We can world in many directions at once. This project questions how our complex dysfunctional waste systems may interact with the environment into the deep future. If we fail to fix our relationship with Earth, what happens next? What organisms will proliferate over our remains? Will we remain part of the picture, or will we have triggered an entirely new ecosystem, only to be deemed inept for survival?
- Nacoca Ko
During the Offsite Project residency, Nacoca Ko researched how plastic is not recycled, but rather shipped around the world and eventually dumped in rivers and oceans. Research revolved around certain species of bacteria, fungi, and worms that can easily digest plastic. This research evolved into a future narrative where these species mutate and proliferate, creating a new ecosystem over the ruins of humankind. Thus came the imagining of the rise of a kind of organic android, well-adapted to the new conditions, and considered by future narrators to be “Early Intelligent Hybrids.”
Playform Studio
“PET Mutation” Selected Works in AI Dreams of Web3 New York APRIL-MAY 2021
AI Dreams of Web3 reflects on the third-generation of internet services using a machine-based understanding of data. How will this new generation of blockchain protocol change the way individuals connect to the internet, and how will AI and machine learning play a role? AI Dreams of Web3 features works that reflect on the third-generation of internet services using a machine-based understanding of data. How will this new generation of blockchain protocol change the way individuals connect to the internet, and how will AI and machine learning play a role?
Featuring works by Carla Gannis, Barry Despenza, Andrew Tricaso, Nacoca Ko, Katya Grokhovsky, and Justin Maynard.